Vail Valley Fertility Clinic
Chinese Medicine and infertility acupuncture is an invaluable resource for supporting healthy conception and addressing infertility issues. Both modern science and ancient texts agree on this. Many studies are proving the benefits of incorporating acupuncture into your fertility treatment approach. Regular acupuncture sessions at the Vail Valley fertility clinic can support a healthy conception, as well as help with many medical conditions that may be contributing to difficulty conceiving, including:
Increase fertility naturally
Ovarian cysts
Premature ovarian failure
Luteal phase defect
Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes
Thyroid issues
pH balance
Restricted blood flow to the uterus and ovaries
Poor egg quality
Sperm quality and mobility
Irregular Cycle
Advanced maternal age (AMA)
These are just some of the Issues I support in my Fertility clinic:
Common Fertility Issues
Advanced Maternal Age (AMA)
Anovulation / Ovulatory Disorders
Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR)
Immunologic Factors
Hormonal Imbalances / Ovulatory Disorders
Luteal Phase Defect
Male Factor
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Tubal Obstruction
Unexplained Infertility
Uterine Lining Problem
Male Factor Fertility Issues
Low Sperm Count
Low Motility
Poor Morphology
Poor Liquefaction
Antisperm Antibodies
Optimizing Fertility
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
In-vitro fertilization (IVF)
Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
Donor Embryo Transfer (DET)
Increasing Fertility Naturally
Whether you’re hoping to conceive traditionally and/or are working with ART methods, I am here to support your journey to motherhood. We can address specific reproductive issues, as well as more general health factors such as stress, nutritional imbalances, or other energetic blocks that may be challenging your body’s natural fertility. The combination of Western Medicine with Acupuncture has led to many successful in vitro fertilization pregnancies.
Krystal is a member of The Fertile Soul CEFP Clinical Excellence in Fertility Professionals.