Living with pain doesn’t have to be your reality. Acupuncture can be used as a holistic treatment to pain management.
Acupuncture for Pain Management in Vail Valley
Acupuncture is an excellent option for both acute and chronic pain. Acupuncture works hard to send signals to the body that say “release endorphins” which are the body’s all-natural chemical pain relief.
An increase of energy and blood flow through the body and tissues from acupuncture works to speed up the body’s natural healing processes. Many patients experience significant pain relief from acupuncture and herbal supplements, without the side effects that some people may have experienced with other medications.
Studies with MRI scans have shown that Acupuncture stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and releases endorphins during a session. It has been proven to turn off the pain arc response and turn on the natural opioid response in the brain.